MC FAQ Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions



Q. What are the hours of the LMC?

A. The library is open M-F  from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm

Q. How many books can I check out?

A. You may have 3 books checked out at a time.

Q. How long does a book check out before it become overdue?

A. Books are overdue two weeks from the date of check out minus any days we are not in session.

Q. Can I renew a book if I am not done in two weeks?

 A. Yes, either bring the book in, ask at the circulation desk, or send an email to [email protected] and we can renew your book(s) for another two weeks.

Q. Can I print documents?

A. Yes, the LMC is the home of the only student copier for students. Please send to the Follow Me printer and follow directions above the copier. Color copies can and be printed with help from Mrs. Cole.

Q. Can I get to library resources from home?

A. Yes, most. You can access our catalog online as well as school purchased databases from these webpages, from the Destiny Discover home page or using the handout in Teams, Files, Library Resources. In addition you can access then read or listen to digital books and audiobooks through SORA or OverDrive.

Q. Do we have eBooks and audiobooks and how do I access them?

A. SORA is an app that can be downloaded to personal devices but can also be accessed through apps on Schoology or by selecting OverDrive in Clever. See directions in Reading/Books on these webpages or the handout in Teams for help on how to do this.

Q. How do I access the databases from home?

A. Use the links from the webpages, Destiny Discover homepage or the handout in Teams. The handout is found under Files and Library Resources and will also include login information you will need to have when accessing from home.